What You Need to Know About Alcohol and Anxiety


Society has normalized drinking as a way to unwind and relax from a long day. You see this in commercials and advertisements everywhere. However, the relationship between alcohol and anxiety can be more complicated than that. Many adults can safely drink in moderation. For others, alcohol may cause anxiety or aggravate pre-existing conditions.

There are several reasons why drinking alcohol tends to mess with your peace of mind.

Embarrassing yourself at an office party might seem like an obvious danger, but there's also a molecular explanation. Alcohol affects chemicals in your brain, including the GABA neurotransmitter that plays a role in managing anxiety.

Your brain adapts to the sedative effects of alcohol,  but it can have trouble rebalancing itself once your blood-alcohol level starts to drop. Ever hear of the Sunday Scaries? That’s what causes that anxious feeling after a weekend of drinking. That can leave you feeling more anxious than before you started drinking, and that anxiety can last for a day or more.

 If alcohol and anxiety are causing disruption in your life, lifestyle changes and professional help can go a long way. Here's what you can do to change things up.

6 Tips for Drinking in Moderation

Prolonged heavy drinking can often cause anxiety. The CDC recommends sticking to one drink per day for women and two for men on the days you do drink.

Try these techniques to limit alcohol consumption:

  1. Plan ahead. Decide what you’re going to drink before you start. Maybe you’ll skip wine with dinner, so you can have a glass of port afterward.

  2. Slow down. Sip your margarita. Order a glass of water between each drink if you consume more than one alcoholic beverage.

  3. Eat food. Eating food slows down the process of absorption of alcohol in your body. Fats and proteins are especially useful for slowing this process down. Skip the salty snacks, which will make you thirstier and more dehydrated.

  4. Enjoy other activities. If you’re used to bar-hopping on date nights, take a hike or visit a science museum instead. Spend your spare time doing hobbies rather than sipping beer while watching tv.

  5. Resist social pressure. Practice what to say if someone asks why you’re turning down a drink. Let your family and friends know you’re trying to cut back if that’s comfortable for you.

  6. Take a breather. Celebrate Dry January or any other abstinence day you choose. Taking a break from alcohol gives your body and mind time to recover.

 These tips won't work for everyone. If you're struggling with alcohol or other substances, you might notice some of the following and need professional help:

  • You’re drinking more than you intended to on a regular basis

  • There are negative consequences for your drinking but you’re continuing to drink anyway

  • You’re having strong cravings or urges to drink

5 Strategies for Coping with Anxiety Without Alcohol

Using alcohol to cope with anxiety is likely to backfire.

Rather than sipping on a cocktail, try safer and more effective strategies like these:

  1. Take calculated risks. Avoiding things that scare you could be causing your anxiety. Facing your fears teaches you that you are strong enough to take on life’s challenges. Start with small projects and work your way up.

  2. Get enough sleep. You’re more resilient when you’re well-rested. Aim for 7 to 8 hours of quality sleep each night.

  3. Eat healthily. Your diet can help you to relax. Use foods rich in fiber to stabilize your blood sugar. Try foods high in certain minerals, like leafy greens for magnesium and egg yolks for zinc.

  4. Exercise regularly. Working out is a great way to burn off nervous energy and boost your mood.

  5. Seek help. Anxiety is one of the most common mental health issues, affecting nearly 20% of adults. Look for therapists who have experience treating both anxiety and substance abuse issues. You may need to target both to avoid relapse.

If you struggle with anxiety, a glass of wine may calm you in the short term, but it’s still important to address the underlying issues. Adopt healthy habits for managing stress and talk with a therapist if you need more help.


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