
Learn more about our counseling services, our experienced therapists, and other tidbits about the world of mental health.

Tele-Mental Health: My Therapist Knows My Dirty Laundry (Literally!)
Laura McMaster, General Therapy Fleurish Staff Laura McMaster, General Therapy Fleurish Staff

Tele-Mental Health: My Therapist Knows My Dirty Laundry (Literally!)

We’re in the midst of the quarantine, and the days are blending together. … Throw in a shower and a Facetime, and we do it all again the next day. For many, the decision to book a session with a therapist is a signal that they have had enough and are ready for a change. We are ready and trained to hear the story, manage the symptoms, and to offer hope.

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Interdependence Day: Being You With Someone Else
Laura McMaster, General Therapy Fleurish Staff Laura McMaster, General Therapy Fleurish Staff

Interdependence Day: Being You With Someone Else

Who you find to date or love and marry or dump or even divorce is a function of who you want to be around and who you become when you’re invested in a relationship. What kind of love can you receive and for how long? What do you expect that partner to do within the context of their relationship to you, and how often are they meeting your needs?

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